Movie Synopsis
One job I would like to land is “movie synopsis writer”. You know, like for T.V. Guide. I would have so much fun giving MY interpretations of the movies I’ve seen. Here are a few.
Thelma and Louise: A harrowing expose into the effects of women’s liberation on two confused women.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: Four spoiled pieces of shit get their come-upins
E.T.: The gospel of Jesus Christ with a short reptile with a head shaped like an eggplant portraying Christ
Dumbo: Freak tricked into thinking there’s something positive about his condition.
Surf Nazis Must Die: A realistic look into post-apocalyptic California
9 to 5: Four drug crazed working women plot to kidnap and kill their boss
The Goonies: Band of delinquent children defy all safety concerns to steal ill-gotten gains
One Flew Over the CooCoo’s Nest: An American Indian asserts himself.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Aminated rabbit foils plans for freeway system.
Pulp Fiction: Boxer kills heroine addict in karmic whirlwind.
Bruce Almighty: Hour and a half of not even seeing Jennifer Aniston’s bra!
What movie synopsis do you have that may change our points of view?